AuDHD Coach Jes


Setting Boundaries, Saving Energy

If you're an autistic ADHDer who:

- Jumps at every opportunity to help those around you but never feels like you get the same support in return

- Fills every hour of your day with activities but can’t seem to find any time to slow down and relax

- Finds yourself “pushing through” when you’re having a hard time only to inevitably burnout later on

- Uses all your free time to “catch up” on work or chores instead of getting the rest that deep down, you know you need but feel too guilty to take

- Is so exhausted from trying to keep up with a neuroconforming, capitalistic society that you can’t remember the last time you didn’t feel at least a little bit tired

- Knows you’ve been pushing your limits and wants to start slowing down and accommodating yourself, but you just don’t know how

This course is for you!

Grab the recording & workbook here:

The Details:

A pre-recorded 2 hour class for auDHDers who are tired of being tired, and want to start saving energy by putting better boundaries in place so they can manage and overcome burnout.

You’ll also get a copy of the slides, as well as a 24 page digital workbook full of exercises and reflection questions so you can identify and implement boundaries in a way that makes sense for you.

You'll Learn:

- Why boundaries are essential for navigating auDHD life (including preventing and managing burnout)

- How boundaries can help you save a ton of energy so you can spend it on what actually matters to you

- What effective, supportive boundaries actually look like for late-accepted auDHDers

- How to use your core values to make decisions around boundaries

- Concrete strategies for identifying and implementing boundaries in your day-to-day life

So You Can:

- Reduce stress by saying “no” when agreeing would mean sacrificing time and energy that you don’t have

- Recognize when you’re starting to get overwhelmed or overstimulated and take steps to manage or even prevent a meltdown

- Identify when your symptoms of anxiety/depression are worsening and effectively communicate those changes to your loved ones and mental health providers in order to get the support you need

- Better communicate the significance of your experiences and support needs to your loved ones if you feel that they are often minimized or invalidated by them

- Let go of all the “shoulds” and expectations of others and instead put your own values, wants, and needs at the forefront

Grab the recording & workbook here:

Statement of Scope & Competency

I strive to hold space and offer solutions that are human-centered, trauma-informed, and inclusive of each individual’s lived experience and social identities. I have completed a trauma-informed space holding curriculum, am actively engaged in anti-racism study and work, and in deconstructing capitalistic standards and values.

I want to make it clear that I cannot guarantee a safe space for you. I recognize that you are the judge of what feels safe and expansive for you. My intention is to allow you to access your internal safety as best as you can in our current social climate through ample consent, choice, and clarity in our time together.

My offers and services are not meant to be a replacement for therapy. I will remain within my scope of practice when engaging with you and my work, and will refer out to qualified individuals for more aligned support when necessary.

I acknowledge the privileges I hold as a working class white American citizen with settler ancestry and post-secondary education who can pass as neurotypical, straight, and able-bodied. While my position as a queer, disabled, neurodivergent person has allowed me to generate more insights and compassion into these lived experiences, I am committed to listening, learning, decolonizing, and growing in regards to other areas.

With gratitude and respect, I acknowledge that the land on which I live and work is the stolen ancestral territory of the Haudenosaunee and Onondaga peoples. I aim to live in a way that centers reconciliation and meaningful relationship building between the people of this land and how we care for it. I invite you to reflect on your role in reconciliation and the Land Back movement at