Setting Boundaries, Saving Energy

If you're an autistic ADHDer who:

  • Jumps at every opportunity to help those around you but never feels like you get the same support in return

  • Fills every hour of your day with activities but can't seem to find any time to slow down and relax

  • Finds yourself "pushing through" when you're having a hard time only to inevitably burnout later on

  • Uses all your free time to "catch up" on work or chores instead of getting the rest that deep down, you know you need but feel too guilty to take

  • Is so exhausted from trying to keep up with a neuroconforming, capitalistic society that you can't remember the last time you didn't feel at least a little bit tired

  • Knows you've been pushing your limits and wants to start slowing down and accommodating yourself, but you just don't know how

This course is for you!

The Details:

For auDHDers who are tired of being tired, and want to start saving energy by putting better boundaries in place.

This is a 2-hour live class and includes a 27-page workbook full of exercises to help you identify and implement boundaries in your life to help you save energy and live according to your values.

What You'll Learn

  • Why boundaries are essential for navigating auDHD life (including preventing and managing burnout)

  • How boundaries can help you save a ton of energy so you can spend it on what actually matters to you

  • What effective, supportive boundaries actually look like for late-accepted auDHDers

  • How to use your core values to make decisions around boundaries

  • Concrete strategies for identifying and implementing boundaries in your day-to-day life