Come Get Weird in the Woods With Me?

A green cartoon tent with pine trees and a crescent moon in the background. There are two cartoon brain characters next to the tent. One has headphones on and is dancing and listening to music, and the other has a magnefying glass and is looking for something. At the bottom, there is yellow and green text that reads "AuDHD Summer Camp"

Have you ever wished there was a place in the middle of the woods somewhere, where you could go and meet other people who didn’t give a crap about how “weird” you are?

Where your auDHD traits are not only seen and accepted, but celebrated and admired.

A place where you could go and find the safety to be able to finally figure out who exactly it is you are underneath that mask you didn’t realize you were wearing all these years.

Where, instead of being met with blank stares and looks of confusion when you tell someone about your struggles, you’re met with a chorus of “Oh my gosh, me too!” and “Yes, same!”

That’s exactly what you’ll find at AuDHD Summer Camp!

    Ready to join?
    …or keep reading for more info!

    What Happens at AuDHD Summer Camp?


    This 8-week virtual summer camp will help you:

    • Get to know who you actually are after the identity crisis that is late-realization
    • Learn tools to build safety both with yourself and with others
    • Understand now to manage your energy and capacity as an autistic ADHDer (so you can get things done without the fear of burnout)
    • Be able to form more authentic and less draining relationships with others
    • Experience life outside of the confines that loud perfectionism & inner criticism keep you in


    All while in community with other auDHDers who will make you feel seen, heard, and validated right away.

    Weekly Themes:

    Week 1: Get to know yourself

    Gain a better understanding of your auDHD brain and learn how to *actually* figure out who you are underneath the mask

    Week 2: Create safety

    Learn nervous system stabilization, sensory accommodations, and other important tools so you can get out of freeze/fawn/stuckness

    Week 3: Managing Your Energy & Capacity

    How to get things done in a way that honors your auDHD brain and won’t burn you out every single time. Plus, learn how to manage your energy while in burnout.

    Week 4: Integration Week

    Take a week off from new material and give yourself time to absorb, integrate, and discuss what we’ve covered so far

    Week 5: Relationships & Communication

    Identifying and implementing boundaries, codependence vs. interdependence, and how to be *honest* with yourself about your needs so you can communicate them to others

    Week 6: Live Shamelessly

    What shame is, where it actually comes from, and how to quiet your inner critic so you can live life without being hindered by self-doubt and internalized ableism.

    Week 7: Setting New Expectations

    How to plan and organize your life in a way that suits your auDHD brain instead of trying to continue living up to mismatched, neuronormative expectations

    Week 8: Integration/Final Week

    Take a week off from new material and give yourself time to absorb, integrate, and discuss what we’ve covered so far

    The Details:


    AuDHD Summer Camp runs for 8 weeks, from Friday, July 5 – Friday, August 30 and includes:

    • Our online community where you’re free to post and connect with other auDHDers from all over the world
    • Self-paced lessons from Jes delivered via PDF and audio every Monday
    • Weekly group coaching calls every Friday at 10am US Eastern (UTC -4:00) to discuss the material and get coaching in real time
    • Recordings of all calls in case you miss them or want to rewatch
    • Activities & exercises you can do again and again to help you navigate all areas of life as an auDHDer
    • A lifetime of memories from the most fun-filled, revelatory 7 weeks of your life!


    Ready to sign up?

    I believe that pricing doesn’t have to be a weapon of classism; it can be a joyously interdependent exchange of resources that help create stronger communities. This pricing model is inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts + Cunning.

    Please read the following criteria and determine which price is appropriate for you. If you fall in between two of the categories, please choose the one that represents a safe and comfortable financial commitment.

    Doors are open until the last day of camp on August 30, so it’s not too late to join us!


     Community Support Tier:

    • You have access to financial security, have personal savings, or own property/rent a high-end property
    • You are are able to pay for “wants” easily and rarely worry about paying for basic necessities
    • You have what most would consider economic privilege and power

    By choosing this price, you are helping contribute to a more equitable community by supporting access for those with less.


     Standard Tier:

    • You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but have access to steady income
    • You don’t spend most of your time thinking of meeting basic needs such as food, rent, medical care, bills, child care, etc.
    • You’re able to buy new things and take vacations annually or every few years without much financial strain

    By choosing this price, you are paying for your access to this program and leaving the lowest tier options for those who need it most.


     Access Tier:

    • You’re able to access basic needs such as food, housing, and child care, although sometimes it may feel difficult
    • You have access to stable income but the middle price would be enough to cause financial strain

    By choosing this price, you are letting your community support you and investing in yourself without sacrificing your needs.

    Statement of Scope and Competency


    I strive to hold space and offer solutions that are human-centered, trauma-informed, and inclusive of each individual’s lived experience and social identities. I have completed a trauma-informed space holding curriculum, am actively engaged in anti-racism study and work, and in deconstructing capitalistic standards and values. 

    I want to make it clear that I cannot guarantee a safe space for you. I recognize that you are the judge of what feels safe and expansive for you. My intention is to allow you to access your internal safety as best as you can in our current social climate through ample consent, choice, and clarity in our time together.

    My offers and services are not meant to be a replacement for therapy. I will remain within my scope of practice when engaging with you and my work, and will refer out to qualified individuals for more aligned support when necessary. 

    I acknowledge the privileges I hold as a working class white American citizen with settler ancestry and post-secondary education who can pass as neurotypical, straight, and able-bodied. While my position as a queer, disabled, neurodivergent person with mostly-stable mental health has allowed me to generate more insights and compassion into these lived experiences, I am committed to listening, learning, decolonizing, and growing in regards to other areas.

    With gratitude and respect, I acknowledge that the land on which I live and work is the stolen ancestral territory of the Haudenosaunee and Onondaga peoples. I aim to live in a way that centers reconciliation and meaningful relationship building between the people of this land and how we care for it. I invite you to reflect on your role in reconciliation and the Land Back movement at